
An Arctic oil accident that will take years to clean up

Despite the recent freeze of the global economic activity due to the COVID-19 outbreak, climate change continues to accelerate at its own pace, reminding us the detrimental effects of decades’ pollution and greenhouse emissions that have led to the rise of the global temperatures.

One of the most serious consequences is the thawing of the Arctic permafrost, a permanent ice layer that covers large parts of the Arctic Circle; an area of major geo-economic importance both for the environmental sustainability in the north sphere as well as for the economic initiatives due to its significant fossil fuel reserves. Read more

Valuable conclusions from 2015: COP21 in Paris, Oil price drops and WEO 2015

The world has seen many developments in the international scene within 2015. Recession with drops in the oil prices, tensions in the Middle East and the COP21 that discussed the climate change action and the dynamic of the emerging green economies. With certainty, all these phenomena are intertwined and will affect future energy trends.

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